Open, flexible, and distance education in a Nordic context

This panel discussion will focus on a Nordic regional network, NordFlexOn, for open, flexible and distance learning (OFDL) established by ICDE in 2019. The network goals are to identify potential and current challenges for OFDL implementation and development in the Nordic region; advocate for high quality OFDL; and facilitate cross-national collaboration and dissemination of practice- and research-based knowledge on OFDL across the region.
Four of the participating countries have had national OFDL associations for years whereas one country (Iceland) plans to establish one. In our presentation we will report the results of a comparison study between the four Nordic associations based on interviews with representatives and analysis of information from the associations’ websites regarding membership, finances, goals, online presence and events, projects, outreach activities as well as challenges and successes.
In the panel we will discuss how the information can be of use to the NordFlexOn participants and other regional networks or national associations to implement and develop OFDL. and network in a new educational ecosystem on OFDL. Also the discussion will focus on the ICDE Global Advocacy Campaign (GAC) for Open, Flexible and Distance and how NordFlexOn plans to work inline with the ICDE GAC in the Nordic context.
John Dalsgarð, Jörgen Grubbe, Kaisa Honkonen, Ebba Köber, Sólveig Jakobsdóttir, Sigurbjörg Jóhannesdóttir, & Ebba Ossianninilson. (2023, 8. nóvember). Open, flexible, and distance education in a Nordic context. 29th ICDE Conference: San Jose, Costa RICA.
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